
Before starting

This page is about the Eeyou Community. It was made for an ENGLISH WORK in class. This thing is personal and... You know the thing.

Anyways im sorry for delivering this a BIT LATE- but even if i dont get graded for this- well at least i gave it to you.

very sorry!


"The Cree (Cree: néhinaw, néhiyaw, nihithaw, etc.; French: Cri) are a North American Indigenous people. They live primarily in Canada, forming one of the largest First Nations." They live mostly in Quebec (in the north). There were 5,000 in 1812 and 20,000 at the end of the 19th century.

Language and religion

They mostly speak "Cree", a language made of symbols, and They believe in «dreams», with which they can predict things about fishing and hunting… There is also about the tents. Apparently, «shamans» Could «interact» with spirits, and when it was working, the tent around the setup would «move».

Food and clothes

They mostly eat fish, animal meat, plants and berries. They go out to search for food in groups of 1-3. Their clothes are also made of animal fur and leather

History, way of life and organization

TThey hunt, fish, and live in nature in «villages». They sleep in tents, too. The first contact with Europeans and Eeyou happened in 1610 in James Bay. They then start making fur trading. They live within a special hierarchy: They have a group leader chosen based on his hunting skills. Some people have jobs; such as fishing, hunting, fur caterer…

  • They don't have any enemies, strictly speaking. Well, of course, there are animals, fire… But most of the time, the danger doesn't come from humans.
  • Life nowadays

    They still live the same, but sometimes tourists are around the camp.

  • They're in what we can call "cooperation" with current society.
  • .






















































    maybe i wasn't meant to be. maybe everything here is a dream and that i'll wake up some day. maybe... things are not that simple.