Werevolves (WIP)

told imevor i would do it so...

Werevolves (or sometimes Lycanthrope) basically are individuals that can shapeshift into wolf-human hybrid, like an anthropomorphic dawg.

I don't have THAT much to tell about them, because well... everbody knows about Werewolves. But i'll try to full up this page as much as i can!


Now for the spooky part: Well first of all, d,epending on the state of the moon, they can transform into... well... a werewolf. But there's a lot of different versions about it, like when it only happens in full moon, or they "get stronger" when it's a full moon...

Because im a shit when it comes to filling with text: here is some images to make it looks like i actually worked on this!

"this is me frrr"

Images expired because of discord, sorry

Xoxo, Gael, Imevor Hellwood